About the Artists


Wm. Lloyd Cox Jr.

Since first trying his hand at blacksmithing in 1998, Lloyd has been honing his skills and expanding his creative use of wrought iron and other metals. Lloyd also enjoys the creative process of glass beadmaking. His participation in numerous weekend and week-long workshops/seminars has afforded Lloyd the opportunity to learn from many talented blacksmiths from around the world. Lloyd is the studio manager at Touchstone Center for Craft’s Hart Moore Blacksmith Studio, and a member of the Artist-Blacksmith’s Association of North America, the Pittsburgh Area Artist-Blacksmiths Association, the International Society of Glass Beadmakers and Three Rivers Glass Beadmakers.


Susan Brimo-Cox

Susan enjoys combining her talents in glass beadmaking, enameling and metalsmithing in her jewelry and decorative pieces. Her glass work also includes stained glass and glass fusing. For many years Susan has been an accomplished photographer and nature artist. Fabric painting rounds out her repertoire.

In 1976, Susan earned her bachelor’s degree in fine arts from Wilkes University. She continues to develop professionally by attending workshops and seminars in warm and cold glass techniques, enameling, metalsmithing, photography and fabric painting. Susan is a member of the International Society of Glass Beadmakers, Three Rivers Glass Beadmakers and Arts at Canal Place. She occasionally teaches classes at Touchstone Center for Crafts.